“The truth about stories, is that’s all we are”
~ Thomas King
Weaving together the stories you were given.
Finding clarity in the story you create.
Imagine if you could see all the connections in your life like red threads tying you to all the relationships bound to your life path. These invisible red threads connect you to people in your life, to the events that have happened to you, to the experiences you have created and to the land and places you have called your home.
From our first connection through the umbilical cord to our mothers, the red threads weave throughout our life stories as bloodlines, ancestral lines, lifelines, soul connections and as well as scars left from our wounds, as we make our way through life’s bumps and challenges.
Our lives are a series of stories that have been told to us, stories not told to us, stories we have created and stories we have yet to create. There are threads that we have inherited from our ancestors passed down in our blood memories, and some threads that have marked our identities that have been passed on by society, colonization and oppressive structures. Some of these red threads can keep us connected to people and events that give us meaning and a sense of peace and purpose in life. While some of these threads, can keep us tangled and bound to relationships, events or stories we tell ourselves that weigh us down and tie us up from growing.
Through the creative process in therapy or in community story telling, we can explore, create and reframe the stories that don’t work for us and perhaps create a new story that feels empowering, healthy and inspiring. Everyone can connect to a part of themselves that can be playful and creative with words, art materials, images and movement.